부회장 임원사


조은경 Cho, Eun Kyung

(주)다손 회장 / 전 대통령직속 국가신지식재산위원장

President of Dason Co., Ltd. /  Former National intellectual property committee under the direct control of the president.

조은경 대표는 연세대학교에서 미생물공학 전공으로 공학박사 학위를 받은 후 생명공학 관련 R&D 전문기업인 (주)다손을 설립하여 대표직을 맡고 있으며 연세대학교 생명공학과 겸임교수를 역임하고 있다. (사)한국여성발명협회 7대, 8대 회장, 대통령직속 국가지식재산위원회 위원 및 국무총리산하 산업융합발전위원회 위원 등으로 활동하였으며 수년간의 창의적인 발명활동을 통해 철탑산업훈장, 국무총리상 2회, 농림수산식품부장관상 2회, 환경부장관상, 장영실발명문화대상, 특허청장상, 중소기업청장상 등 다수의 수상경력을 지니고 있다.

After receiving her Ph.D. in microbiology from Yonsei University, CEO Jo Eun-kyung established Dason Co., Ltd., a biotechnology-related R&D company, and held a representative position. She is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Biotechnology at Yonsei University. She has been active as the 7th and 8th president of the Korea Women's Invention Association, a member of the National Intellectual Property Committee under the direct control of the President, and a member of the Industrial Convergence Development Committee under the Prime Minister. Through years of creative invention activities, he has received numerous awards such as the Iron Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit, the Prime Minister's Award twice, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Award twice, the Environment Minister's Award, the Jang Young-sil Invention Culture Award, the Korean Intellectual Property Office Award, and the Small and Medium Business Administration Award.