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전 국무총리

The former prime minister 

1948년 전라남도 장성군 황룡면 황룡리 원황룡마을에서 태어났다. 광주제일고등학교(41회), 서울대학교 법과대학을 졸업하였다. 사법연수원을 수석으로 수료하였고, 이후 판사를 역임하였다. 서울형사지법에 근무하며 사노맹 사건으로 기소된 조국에게 유죄판결을 내리기도 했다. 노무현 대통령 때인 2005년부터 2008년까지 대법관을 역임하였다.

(나무위키 참조)

Former Prime Minister Jeon was born in 1948 in Wonhwangryong Village, Hwangryong-ri, Hwangryong-myeon, Jangseong-gun, Jeollanam-do. He graduated from Gwangju Jeil High School (41st), Seoul National University's law school. He completed the Judicial Research and Training Institute as the chief and later served as a judge. While working at the Seoul Criminal District Court, he also convicted Cho Kuk, who was indicted in the case of labor blindness. He served as a Supreme Court justice from 2005 to 2008 during the presidency of No Moo Hyun.