주요 스피커
Former Vice Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning
1957년 전라남도 강진군에서 태어나 광주고등학교와 한국항공대학교 항공통신공학과를 졸업하였다. 항공대를 졸업하고 제15회 기술고시에 합격하여 한국전기통신공사에서 재직하였으나 KT로 국가에서 분리독립하면서 KT 임원으로 재직하였다. KT에서 부사장까지 지낸 뒤 연세대학교 교수로 활동 중이었으나 박근혜 정부의 부름을 받고 미래창조과학부 차관으로 영입되었다. 차관 임기 이후에는 공공기관인 정보통신산업진흥원의 원장을 지냈다.
(나무위키 참조)
Born in Gangjin-gun, Jeollanam-do in 1957, he graduated from Gwangju High School and the Department of Aviation Communication Engineering at Korea Aerospace University. After graduating from Korea National Aeronautics University, he passed the 15th technical examination and worked at the Korea Telecommunications Corporation, but it became independent of the country as KT and served as a KT executive. After serving as vice president of KT, he was a professor at Yonsei University, but was recruited as vice minister of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning with the request of the Park Geun Hyen government. After his term as vice minister, he served as the head of the Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency, a public institution.