이사 임원사





유걸(柳杰, Kerl Yoo, 1940년 5월 19일 ~ )은 대한민국의 건축가이고 본관은 문화(文化)이며 서울 출생이다. 서울특별시청 신청사를 설계한 건축가로 유명하다.[1]

1968년 이화여자대학교 실내장식미술학과 강사를 지냈고 1979년부터 1995년까지 유걸건축연구소 소장을 지냈으며 그 와중에도 숭실대학교 건축학과 강사, 성균관대학교 건축학과 강사, 모교인 서울대학교 건축학과 강사를 지냈고 1995년부터 아이아크 공동사장을 지내고 있으며 그 와중에도 건국대학교 건축학과 겸임교수와 경희대학교 건축전문대학원 교수를 지냈고 현재는 경일대학교 건축학과 석좌교수를 지내고 있기도 하다.

Kerl Yoo (柳杰, Kerl Yoo, born May 19, 1940) is a South Korean architect, headquartered in culture, and born in Seoul. He is best known as the architect who designed the Seoul Special City Hall new building.

In 1968, she served as a lecturer in the Department of Interior Decoration Art at Ewha Womans University, and from 1979 to 1995, she served as the director of the Yu-Geul Institute of Architecture. Meanwhile, he served as a lecturer in the Department of Architecture at Soongsil University, a lecturer in the Department of Architecture at Sungkyunkwan University, and a lecturer in the Department of Architecture at his alma mater, Seoul National University. He has been co-president of IARC since 1995, and at the same time served as an adjunct professor in the Department of Architecture at Konkuk University and a professor at the Graduate School of Architecture at Kyunghee University. He is currently a chair professor in the Department of Architecture at Kyungil University.