주요 스피커
President of Incheon National University / Chairman of the Institute for Industrial Policy Studies
서울대학교 경영학과 67학번, 미국 하버드대학교에서 경영학 박사과정 수료. 1978년 최연소 서울대학교 교수로 임용돼 경영대학장을 지냈고, 36년간 재직하며 한국경영학회장· 한국학술단체총연합회장, 15개 해외 대학 초빙·겸임교수로 활동했다. 이명박 정부 때 대통령 직속 국가경쟁력강화위원회 위원, 2014년 국가브랜드진흥원 이사장을 역임했다. 2016년에는 인천대학교 총장에 취임해 지난 7월 임기를 마쳤다. 8월에 싱크탱크 산업정책연구원(IPS) 제5대 이사장으로 취임했다.
(브라보마이라이프 참조)
Seoul National University's 67th degree in business administration, completed a Ph.D. in business administration at Harvard University in the United States. In 1978, he was appointed as the youngest professor at Seoul National University and served as the dean of the business school. He also served for 36 years as the chairman of the Korean Business Administration Association, the president of the Korean Federation of Academic Organizations, and as a visiting and adjunct professor at 15 overseas universities. During the Lee Myung Bakn government, he served as a member of the presidential National Competitiveness Reinforcement Committee and as the chairman of the National Brand Promotion Agency in 2014. In 2016, he took office as president of Incheon National University and completed his term in July. In August, he took office as the fifth chairman of the think tank Institute for Industrial Policy (IPS).