대표 / 자문위원
Former President of the Korean Medical Association
민주평화통일자문회의 자문위원, 상임위원(2017~현재)
대한의사협회 제38ㆍ39대 회장(2014~2018)
한국의사 100주년기념재단 이사장(2014~2018)
한국보건의료인국가시험원, 의료기관평가인증원, 한국의약교육평가원, 한국희귀필수의약품센터 비상임 이사(2014~2018)
대한의사협회 정책이사(2013~4)
용인시 의사회 회장(2012~2014)
메디서울이비인후과 원장(2002~2014)
순천향대학교 의학과 부교수(2001~2002)
충북대학교 의학과 전임강사ㆍ조교수ㆍ부교수(1992~2001)
(메디포뉴스 참조)
Advisory Committee member and Standing Committee member of the Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification (2017–present)
The 38th and 39th Presidents of the Korean Medical Association (2014-2018)
Chairman of the Korean Medical Centennial Foundation (2014-2018)
Non-executive director of the Korea Institute of Health Sciences, National Institute of Medical Institution Evaluation and Certification, Korea Institute of Drug Education, and Korea Rare Essential Drug Center (2014-2018)
Policy Director of the Korean Medical Association (2013-4)
President of Yongin Medical Association (2012-2014)
Director of Medi Seoul Otorhinolaryngology(2002-2014)
Associate Professor of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University (2001-2002)
Full-time lecturer, assistant professor, and associate professor of medicine at Chungbuk National University (1992-2001)