대표 / 자문위원



율촌 고문 / 전 관세청 청장

Yulchon Adviser / Former Commissioner of Customs 

1959년 충청북도 증평군에서 출생하여 청주고등학교, 한양대학교 법과대학 행정학과를 졸업하였다. 한양대 재학 중인 1983년 제27회 행정고시에 합격하여 1984년 국세청 사무관으로 공직에 입직하였으나 1993년부터는 재정경제부 세제실(현 기획재정부 세제실)로 자리를 옮겼다. 이후 재정경제부에서 과장(정책분석관 / 재정정보과장 / 소비세제과장 / 소득세제과장)을 거쳐 이명박 정부 시기 국장으로 승진하였다. 국장으로 승진하고는 기획재정부 조세기획관, 경제협력개발기구 재정위원회 비상임이사, 기획재정부 조세정책관을 거쳤다. 2011년 8월에는 실장으로 승진하여 조세심판원장과 기획재정부 세제실장을 거쳤다. 2014년 7월부터는 박근혜 정부에서 관세청장으로 영전하여 2016년 5월까지 관세청 청장직을 역임하였다. 

(나무위키 참조)

Born in Jeungpyeong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do in 1959, he graduated from Cheongju High School and Hanyang University's Department of Public Administration. In 1983, while attending Hanyang University, he passed the 27th administrative examination and entered public office as an officer of the National Tax Service in 1984, but from 1993, he moved to the Tax Office of the Ministry of Finance and Economy (currently the Tax Office of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance). Afterwards, the Ministry of Finance and Economy was promoted to the director of the Lee Myung Bak government through the director (policy analyst/financial information manager/consumption tax manager/income tax manager). After being promoted to director, he went through the Ministry of Strategy and Finance's tax planning officer, non-executive director of the Financial Committee of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance's tax policy officer. In August 2011, he was promoted to the head of the department and went through the head of the Tax Tribunal and the head of the tax office of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. From July 2014, he served as the head of the Korea Customs Service in the Park Geun Hye government and served as the head of the Korea Customs Service until May 2016.